Due to personal reasons, Eddie DeLisle has resigned his position as the Northwest Mountain Regional Vice President (RVP). In accordance with Article IV, Section 7 of the NATCA Constitution, Alex Navarro (Seattle Center, ZSE) has been […]
As longtime Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Committee Chair Mike Odryna (Boston Center, ZBW) retires in March after a 35-year career in the FAA, Los Angeles Center (ZLA) member Karena Marinas will take on the […]
Columbus, Ohio (CMH) controllers supported the Stowe Mission with the help of the NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) this holiday season, a tradition that has been close to the hearts of CMH controllers for the last several […]
Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omniste error sit voluptatem. Acc usantium que laudantium, totam rem aperi ipsa, quae ab illo inventoret tam rem aperi ipsa, quae ab illo inv. Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omniste error sit voluptatem.
Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omniste error sit voluptatem. Acc usantium que laudantium, totam rem aperi ipsa, quae ab illo inventoret tam rem aperi ipsa, quae ab illo inv. Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omniste error sit voluptatem.
Buffalo ATCT (BUF) currently has 36 NATCA members: 35 controllers and one staff support specialist. FacRep Alex Kim proudly shares that new hires at the facility generally join NATCA within the first week of arriving at […]