On Thursday, June 9, President Santa met with longtime labor champion, Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill). Rep. Davis is a senior member of the T&I Committee who has collaborated with NATCA since his first term in Congress […]

On Thursday, June 9, President Santa met with longtime labor champion, Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill). Rep. Davis is a senior member of the T&I Committee who has collaborated with NATCA since his first term in Congress […]
On Thursday June 9, President Richard Santa held a productive meeting with Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo., on Capitol Hill. As the Ranking Member of the influential House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (T&I), Rep. Graves will be […]
The minutes from the National Executive Board (NEB) meeting in Portland, Ore., on May 11-12 are now available here on the NEB minutes page of the website. https://www.natca.org/neb-minutes/
St. Louis TRACON (T75) hosted a Solidarity Event to view the newly released movie “Top Gun: Maverick.” NATCA President Rich Santa attended and spoke with members from STL, St. Louis TRACON (T75), Spirit of St. Louis […]
At approximately 8:30 p.m. on March 9, 2021, Greensboro ATCT (GSO) member Noah Walker was working the approaches into Greensboro, N.C., from the tower cab, as the positions were combined and the radar position was moved […]