From Bryan Krampovitis, NATCA New England ARVP Convention booklets are coming! It’s convention time, and constitution amendment and resolution booklets have been sent to the printers. They will arrive by mail at the address you have […]

This year’s Sun ‘n Fun event was held from March 28 through April 2 in Lakeland, Fla. The weather was good all week which meant there was a higher-than-normal level of traffic. 31 NATCA members worked […]
Flight delays remain a major problem in the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS), and a significant portion of delays are caused by reductions in en route capacity due to weather. Eric Avila (Houston Center, ZHU) is […]
“This is like something out of a movie,” said former Southern Regional Vice President Victor Santor (who became a retired NATCA member in 2016) from the Communicating for Safety stage in 2010 as he presented the […]
While NATCA’s National Executive Board (NEB) was gathered in St. Louis for the board’s monthly meeting in February, NEB members gathered in solidarity with St. Louis-area members and their families for a meet and greet. “Thanks […]