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Virtual Grassroots in Local Districts: California

Van Nuys ATCT (VNY) member Peter Kasabian recently received a special call from California Congressman Brad Sherman. “I was thinking it was one of his staffers wanting to discuss aviation,” said Kasabian, “but lo and behold, […]

NATCA Virtual Grassroots Activism: California

Southern California TRACON (SCT) member Christina Munro (top center) joined California Congressman Harley Rouda for a labor Zoom roundtable meeting. “We each discussed issues important to our organizations,” Munro said. “I thanked the Congressman for his support of […]

Terminal Controllers Shine Bright With STARS

The Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) provides air traffic controllers throughout the United States with a state of the art radar display system, giving controllers the ability to verify spacing, direction, headings, vectors, conflict alerts, […]

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