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Kansas City Members Meet with Kansas Congresswoman Davids

Alternate Region X Vice President Ed Szczuka (Engineers Central Region), Kansas City Center (ZKC) Legislative Rep and Kansas State Legislative Coordinator Jami Davis, and Kansas City ATCT (MCI) Vice President Kristen McTee recently attended Washington Days, […]

NATCA Celebrates Engineers Week

NATCA proudly celebrates the FAA engineers it represents and recognizes their many contributions to the workforce during National Engineers Week, Feb. 20-26. “We devote this week to honoring the outstanding work of our engineers,” NATCA President […]

Congratulations to Our Newest FacReps

The NATCA Onboarding Committee welcomes and thanks all new NATCA leaders who have recently taken office for their terms as FacReps at their local facilities: Alaskan Region Anchorage ATCT (ANC), Blake Hanson Merrill Field ATCT (MRI), […]

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