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NATCA Welcomes New Facility: Dubuque (DBQ)

NATCA is excited to welcome Dubuque Federal Contract Tower (DBQ) to the NATCA family. Dubuque Regional Airport is in Dubuque County, Iowa. The airport is owned by the city of Dubuque and is operated as a […]

Onboarding Committee Announces New FacReps

The NATCA Onboarding Committee welcomes and thanks all of our new NATCA leaders who have recently taken office for their terms as FacReps at their local facilities: Central Region Springfield ATCT (SGF), Alexander Thoren Eastern Region […]

Congratulations to Our Newest FacReps

“While the Onboarding Committee and regional reps work throughout the year, onboarding new facility representatives (FacReps), January is when we see the most FacReps take office, and thus it is our busiest time of year,” said […]


Child Care Subsidy Increase MOU Signed

On Sept. 24, 2020, NATCA and the Agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning the Agency’s Child Care Subsidy Program. The MOU increases the total family income amounts under which the Agency will subsidize child care […]

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