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NATCA Honors 2024 Regional Legislative Award Winners at NiW

Congratulations to NATCA’s 2024 Regional Legislative Award winners! Each year, the spotlight shines at #NATCAinWashington where the National Legislative Committee (NLC) celebrates standout activists from each region. Chosen by their Regional Vice Presidents, these champions embody […]

Staff of Congresswoman Peltola Tour Anchorage Center

National Legislative Committee Alaskan Representative and Anchorage Center (ZAN) FacRep Rob Kindred facilitated a tour of the center in February for staff members of Alaska’s At-Large Congresswoman Mary Peltola.   “Legislative Director and Counsel Elizabeth Othmer and […]

Congratulations To Our Newest NATCA FacReps!

The NATCA Onboarding Committee welcomes and thanks all new NATCA leaders who have recently taken office for their terms as FacReps at their local facilities. AlaskanSteven Ott (Juneau ATCT, JNU) EasternAndrea Martin (Capital Cities/Harrisburg Federal Contract […]

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