KSAT-TV San Antonio: Audio recordings from the emergency landing Tuesday at San Antonio International Airport reveal that calm, cool air traffic controllers and an equally calm pilot may have been the key factors in a textbook […]
RTCA members elected the 2014-2015 RTCA Board of Directors and Policy Board at the Annual Meeting of Members on July 1. NATCA President Paul Rinaldi was among those elected to the Policy Board. Read more HERE […]
Check out our YouTube page for fun and also informative videos about the great work of NATCA members. Please click HERE.
John Tune, an early and influential member of NATCA who began his long FAA career in 1981 and was a strong leader who served two terms as Central Regional Vice President, passed away on July 23. […]
“This was really a model of teamwork and efficiency,” said AUS NATCA TAMR Representative Matt Sheffield. Please click here to read the full story.