
NATCA Leadership Speaks to Future Workforce
NATCA Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert, Professional Standards co-lead Josh Cooper (Southern California TRACON), National Organizing Committee and Benefits Committee Chairman John Bratcher (Razorback Approach), Manager of Outreach and National Events Kelly Richardson, and Dina Earl […]

Sandra Durbin: Overcoming Prejudice with Bravery and Grit
Sandra Durbin was still a teenager when she joined the U.S. Navy in 1966 and began her career in aviation. Her choice was motivated by a desire to go to college and the U.S. Navy promise […]
NATCA Aircraft Certification Members Pave Way for the Future
NATCA represents more than 700 employees in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Aircraft Certification Division. The Service recently went through a major reorganization in an effort to better support the vital mission it performs. It went […]