NATCA’s Leadership Experience Acceleration Project is a class held twice a year for attendees who are invited by their respective regional vice president (RVP) to participate in this unique training. The LEAP class is an investment […]

NATCA’s Leadership Experience Acceleration Project is a class held twice a year for attendees who are invited by their respective regional vice president (RVP) to participate in this unique training. The LEAP class is an investment […]
NATCA Central Region Legislative Representative Allison Schwaegel and Portland ATCT (PDX) member Richard Kennington led eight participants in the Advanced Legislative Activism Training (ALAT) course in October at the National Office in Washington. NATCA’s in-house legal […]
The National Executive Board (NEB) recently approved the 2023 NATCA Academy Training Class schedule! Multiple classes are available for Representative Training, Safety Advocacy Training, Secretary-Treasurer Training, Legislative Activism Training, Drug and Alcohol Training, and more. Visit […]
NATCA’s Representative Training 1 (RT1) course was held Aug. 15-19 in Las Vegas. RT1 training facilitates the instruction of NATCA representatives on how to develop and grow effective methods of advocacy. President Rich Santa, Executive Vice […]
NATCA hosted the first in-person meet & greet event for ATC students at the FAA Academy at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City since the beginning of the pandemic. At the event, the students […]
Among the several NATCA Academy classes held this month were three of the latest installments in a long series of established courses: Legislative Activism Training (LAT), Secretary-Treasurer Training (STT), and Representative Training 1. Combined, the three […]