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Committees News

ASI Committee Update

The Air Safety Investigations (ASI) Committee met for its first quarterly meeting of 2022. The committee received a briefing from Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale on the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) pre-launch discussions and […]

Election Support Committee Update

Election Support Committee (ESC) Co-Chair Elijah McDonald is assisting the National Training Committee with remaking the NATCA Academy Secretary/Treasurer Training (STT) modules to bring them up to date with election rules and procedures. McDonald met with […]

A11 Member Meets with Alaskan Senator Murkowski

Anchorage TRACON (A11) Vice President and National Legislative Committee Alternate Alaskan Region Rep Aaron Novak recently attended an event with Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. “NATCA has established a relationship with Senator Murkowski over the years,” said […]

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