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Check Out the NATCA in Washington Photo Album 

Our NATCA in Washington activists devoted time and energy last week to build congressional relationships, educate other members about NATCA’s legislative efforts, and advance legislation important to NATCA. We thank them for their efforts and dedication! […]

National Finance Committee Update

The National Finance Committee (NFC) would like to thank all FacReps and treasurers who have completed their 2021 LM forms so far. If you haven’t done so, please note that the IRS 990 EZ/e-postcards are due […]

OSHA Committee Update

The OSHA Committee met and hosted a briefing with the National Executive Board in which NATCA’s Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Geoff Bacci, discussed the management of epidemic diseases. As a CIH and engineer, Bacci has a […]

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