Another Successful RT-1 Training in Baltimore Prepares New NATCA Leaders
NATCA recently held another Representative Training 1 (RT-1) class at the Marriott Baltimore Waterfront, from Feb. 24-28. This was the second time RT-1 has been hosted outside of Las Vegas, allowing the Union to expand training opportunities for members.
More than two dozen NATCA members attended the training, which was led by National Human Performance Representative Aaron Katz, Southern Regional Alternate Vice President Neil Caputo, and Western Pacific Regional Alternate Vice President Nate Pair. NATCA President Nick Daniels, Eastern Regional Vice President Mike Christine, and National Safety Representative John Murdock met with the class to discuss leadership and representation.
RT-1 prepares NATCA representatives for their roles by focusing on their responsibilities to the membership and their daily interactions with management. The Baltimore location continues to provide a valuable alternative for members seeking this essential training.
Interested in attending RT-1? Learn more at portal.natca.org.