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Legislative Affairs Roundup: Congressional Members Meet with NATCA Members

Over the past month, numerous members of Congress have met with NATCA members to gain a better understanding of our work. They’ve also shown their support for the essential work our members do as aviation safety professionals. By fostering relationships with political leaders on both sides of the aisle, NATCA ensures that our voice is heard by all. These types of interactions are critical at a time when our profession is under increased stress.

Rep. Sean Casten of Illinois’s 6th district toured Chicago Center. During the visit, he discussed his Mental Health in Aviation Act and took the opportunity to answer questions from Union members. After the visit, Casten posted online, “I enjoyed discussing my Mental Health in Aviation Act and hearing about issues affecting air traffic controllers.”

U.S. Rep. Maggie Goodlander (N.H.-2) toured Boston Center (ZBW). Throughout the visit, she really seemed to grasp the importance of the work being performed by all NATCA BUEs.

Rep. Goodlander took some time to sit and talk in the NATCA office with members about the difficulties they are facing. Being new to Congress, Rep. Goodlander seemed interested in building an ongoing relationship with NATCA, and was adamant about finding out what she could do to help us. She understood how dire the staffing situation is across the agency, and also how the staff support specialists and Region X BUEs also have safety critical jobs that allow controllers to do their work.

U.S. Rep. Darin LaHood (Ill.-16) toured Rockford ATCT (RFD). During the tour, RFD Facility Vice President Chris Panagakos and NLC Illinois State Coordinator Toby Hauck (Chicago Center, ZAU) briefed the Congressman on the progress of securing a new tower and base building as RFD Tower is currently the oldest tower in the National Airspace System (NAS) that is still in use. LaHood also had the opportunity to watch the controllers at RFD work an emergency B-757 inbound. This allowed him to witness the teamwork and coordination it takes to get an emergency landing safely on the ground.

 After the tour, LaHood posted on social media: “Visited the Rockford Airport today to get an update on their plans to build a new control tower and modernize critical radar systems. This construction will provide a much needed upgrade to the safety and efficiency for flights and passengers.”

U.S. Rep. Lamonica McIver (N.J.-10) and 3 staffers visited Newark’s Liberty ATCT (EWR). During the tour, our members explained the importance of predictable funding, increased staffing and hiring, and the need for modernization of the facility’s infrastructure and technologies. Due to the age of EWR’s Tower, there have been multiple instances of elevator malfunctions that forced controllers to walk up over 20 flights of stairs, HVAC problems, and pipe bursts where the tower had to be evacuated. McIver understood how such issues, compounded with the stress of working traffic, can be detrimental to our wellbeing and should be addressed.

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minn.-5) toured Minneapolis-St. Paul ATCT (MSP) where she heard from members first hand about what kind of support we need to do our jobs. Omar also spoke out against the firing of probationary FAA employees, represented by both PASS and NATCA.

Several Alaskan Region members met virtually with Sen. Lisa Murkowski and her staff. NATCA’s representatives included RVP Clint Lancaster, ARVP Brett Lystad, Flight Service President Bobby Scurlock, NLC members Rob Kindred and Aaron Novak, among others.

Senator Murkowski thanked NATCA for the work we do every day to keep aviation moving in Alaska and across the country. Murkowski emphasized her admiration for our expertise and professionalism as aviation safety professionals. NATCA members provided insight to Murkowski and her team on FAA Academy capacity, probationary employees, and traffic complexity in the Anchorage area.

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