March 15th, 2025 NATCA New England Bi-Monthly Update
Legislative Update
From Jamie Green, NATCA New England Legislative Chair, PVD

On Friday, March 14, 2025, the continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government through September 30, 2025 was passed.
The final CR provides an increase in the FAA’s Operations budget to support maximum controller hiring for the rest of 2025, in accordance with the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. However, it only provides a prorated portion of $3.1 billion toward the $6 billion that the FAA actually needs for its Facilities & Equipment budget.
Although we have avoided a disruptive government shutdown, our work is not done. We must continue to educate members of Congress and reinforce that there can be no delay in negotiating full-year appropriations legislation.

A great opportunity for us to provide this education to Congress is at NATCA’s premier legislative event, NATCA in Washington. We are just about one week away from this event which is crucial to help train NATCAists. It provides them the knowledge and tools to be able to speak with their members of Congress to encourage them to fight for our rights and benefits as a bargaining unit.
Back in New England, our NATCAvists hosted New Hampshire Congresswoman Maggie Goodlander at Boston Center (ZBW) for a tour of the operation and a meeting. This was a crucial moment to develop an important relationship with a new member of Congress. During her visit, she was very interested in the operations of air traffic control, asked how recent changes have affected our members, and offered her support for NATCA.

I know things are changing daily on the political front. As always, please reach out to me with any concerns or questions you may have at [email protected].
Professional Standards
From Steve Schefcik, NATCA New England Professional Standards Rep, PWM

The number of ProStandards cases has continued to be low throughout the region, which hopefully is a sign that fewer issues are occurring that require the program’s use. However, if something does come up, using ProStandards keeps management out of the problem altogether and intends to solve the issue at the lowest level. If you have questions about the program, be sure to contact your local PS rep, or you can always reach out to me at [email protected].
RESPECT phase two, which includes new videos and content, is nearing completion. While the national team is still deciding how to brief the content (taking into account staffing, leave, etc.), it hopes to have it completed and rolled out by later this year.

Do you know anyone who stands out at your facility? Whether it be their professionalism while working position, their daily positive attitude that inspires others, or even going above and beyond helping others or the facility as a whole. These are a few of the many reasons a person deserves to be recognized, and we need your help to do it! The 2025 NATCA National Professionalism Award nomination window is open with a deadline of June 1st! As the regional PS chair, I reach out to all the NNPA nominees who were not selected to let them know they were nominated. That’s just to say that your nomination does matter, and it won’t go unrecognized. Please submit those nominations, and let those people be acknowledged!
Thanks for all the great work you all continue to do every day. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Employee Rights Information
From Hanan Wiseman, A90 Facility Representative

New England, your Regional Leadership isn’t just about protecting your rights after they have been violated but also about bringing awareness to your rights you may not know you have. Below is a summary of Article 22: Employee Records – Access to eOPF.
Accessing eOPF:
- Employees are entitled to reasonable duty time to access their Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF). (Section 2)1
- Within ten (10) days of a request, the Agency must provide duty or official time for an employee (and/or Union representative if requested) to view their eOPF, EPF, Medical, Security, or Training folders when available via the intranet. (Section 4)
- An intranet-connected terminal located in a private area must be provided, allowing for printing and/or downloading of any Agency-maintained documents. (Section 4)
Notification and Access:
- Employees are to receive notification when Agency-initiated material is placed in their eOPF and must be granted access and the ability to make copies of such material. (Section 2)
- Employees and their designated representatives are entitled to review his/her EPF, Medical, Security, Training folder(s) or other DOT/FAA file in the presence of a management official, consistent with the Privacy Act. (Section 2)
Request for Copies:
- If an employee cannot access the eOPF system, they may request in writing to the applicable Human Resource Management Office. The Agency is required to provide the requested eOPF within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the request. (Section 5)
Upcoming Events and Information

NATCA is now accepting nominations for the 2025 Archie League Medal of Safety Awards! Submit your peer(s) for a save that occurred at your facility between May 1, 2024 and April 30, 2025. Any member may nominate another member for an Archie League Medal of Safety Award.
For more information and to submit a nomination, visit https://www.natca.org/events/cfs/archie_nomination_form/

As a NATCA member, you are never alone. NATCA CISM is available 24/7 at 202-505-2476. When you call or text, you will speak with a NATCA member who knows the stressors of your job and about balancing life outside of work. You can also contact our regional CISM coordinator Jennifer Dickinson directly at 603-731-8635.
EAP is also available by calling 1-800-234-1327 or visiting www.magellanascend.com. For more information about EAP, visit https://www.natca.org/2022/02/23/eap-update-benefits-of-the-worklife-solutions-program/
AMAS is also a benefit NATCA members can contact with questions regarding your medical. You can call them at 720-857-6117 or visit their website at https://www.aviationmedicine.com/consult-an-amas-physician/natca-air-traffic-controllers-association-natca/
If you are in crisis, please reach out for help immediately by calling or texting 988 to connect with the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
We are here for you. You are not alone.

Are you planning to attend NATCA’s 20th Biennial Convention? Register today and plan to be at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco from May 9-11, 2025, with the opening ceremony taking place on the evening of May 8. Early registrants will get the best prices on all Convention events.
Click here to register for the Convention and buy tickets for evening events.
Room reservations can be made directly during the Convention registration process. The cutoff date and time to book your room is April 14, 2025, at 5 p.m. PDT or when our Union’s room block is sold out.
For additional information and updates, visit www.natca.org/events/convention