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NTI: Training the Workforce of the Future

NATCA Members, As briefed to facility leadership during the week of January 6-10, NATCA and the ATO have committed to an expansion of the NTI to achieve our joint goal of increasing the number of CPCs in the National Airspace System. Our collective continued focus on quality training will directly lead to healthy staffing in our facilities, which lays the foundation for increased leave opportunities, increased employee movement, and an overall improved work-life balance.  The NTI Policy memothe Assigned Simulation Training impediment listBest Practices, and Clarifications based on feedback from our briefings, the OJTI/Simulation Premium Pay MOU, and a short NTI Power PowerPoint presentation that describes the changes to the NTI and provides data supporting them are attached. We will continue to provide briefings to the workforce on a monthly basis. If you have any questions or suggestions for the continued improvements of the NTI, please email us at [email protected].

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