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September 15, 2024 New England Bi-Monthly Regional Update

From Steve Brown, NATCA New England ARVP

The mercenaries will beat the draftees, but the volunteers will beat them both.” – Chuck Noll

I really like this quote by Chuck Noll, former head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, and I think it’s pertinent to where we are currently as a union.

By a large margin, New England has the highest percentage of volunteers this campaign season. That’s a badge of honor that leadership gets to wear around, but it has nothing to do with them, and everything to do with those of you who have stepped up. 

It’s said every year, and we recognize fatigue is a thing with election season, but this is about as important an election as you can get if you’re an Air Traffic Controller. Across the country, phone banking, canvassing, letter writing, text banking, and stuffing of envelopes all lead to the same place: a better contract for all of us. 

Here in New England, we are well-known as fighters, the agency and other regions know we aren’t afraid to take on things that others may not be. It’s safe to say we are successful more times than not because of our volunteers, they beat everyone else. 

Make no mistake, this election is of utmost importance in the fight for a new contract. Sometimes that’s hard to see, but it’s the truth nonetheless. If you’re ready for that and willing to get involved, reach out. There’s always a job for a raised hand. 

From Jake Detwiler, NATCA New England ARVP

Hello NATCA New England! I am excited to be writing my first message in the NNE bi-monthly update as a newly appointed ARVP. I want to thank Kevin Curtiss and the NEB for taking the chance on me with this opportunity to serve NATCA at the Regional level, I looked forward to working with Kevin, Steve, and all of the NATCA New England Leadership team. I would be remiss not to highlight the high bar that Mick Devine and his NNE leadership team have set for this region over the last 6 years. 

September is a busy time for NATCA at all facilities, and even more so this year! Our annual ritual of acknowledging the end of summer by negotiating Basic Watch Schedule and Annual Leave (commonly referred to as Article 32/34, and Article 24 MOUs) is made complicated by the necessity of incorporating the new Fatigue Rules into our schedules. 

But the work doesn’t stop at Schedule and Leave MOUs this year, we are also in an election year. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help this election cycle, the election is just over 7 weeks away, and it is not too late to step up! If you want to get involved, please reach out!

Lastly, CFS is this week, I am unable to attend but for those from NNE that do, I hope you enjoy the conference and are able to bring something positive back to share with your facility. 

Upcoming Solidarity Event

From Andrew Acerra, ZBW Area A Representative

Hello everyone. For those who don’t know me, my name is Andrew Acerra and I am the Area A Rep at ZBW. The region will be hosting a Solidarity Event on Tuesday, October 22nd from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at RELAXE axe throwing in Manchester, NH.

We are hoping for a big turnout and want to get as many members involved as possible, so clear your schedules and come out, have fun tossing axes at the wall, and hang out with us!

Halloween costumes are encouraged and there will be prizes for the best ones. Food and drinks will be provided and family members are welcome to join us (children must be over the age of 10 to attend). We’re looking forward to seeing you all there! 

Join us Virtually at CFS

Communicating for Safety starts tomorrow in Las Vegas! New England has 26 members participating in the 25th year of the event which will be live-streamed all week. Watch it on your personal device at home or stream it to the break room TV at your facility! Watch the live-stream and check out the full agenda here.

Also, keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily updates on what our members are learning about and also photos from the event.

In our October 1st email, you’ll hear from numerous New England attendees about their experience at the event!

UNUM Open Season

NATCA members, the time is NOW! Open enrollment for Unum long-term disability insurance starts today, and this is your chance to protect everything you’ve worked so hard to build. Whether it’s your home, your family, or your financial security, Unum LTD is your safety net against life’s unexpected challenges. This benefit is exclusive to NATCA members and has been specially negotiated to provide comprehensive coverage tailored to your needs.

Don’t wait for the unexpected to happen — ensure your income is protected. Unum LTD helps cover lost wages in the event of illness or injury, giving you peace of mind so you can focus on what truly matters. Open enrollment is only available for a limited time, so take action now!

Secure your future and protect your income today by enrolling at natcadisability.com. This could be the most important financial decision you make this year.

2029 Convention Bid

At next year’s convention, NATCA New England will be proposing a bid to host the 2029 Convention right here at home in Boston, Massachusetts!

We are looking for volunteers to gather data and put together a bid package to present in San Fransisco in May.

If you are interested in participating in developing and/or presenting this bid and proving why Boston should host NATCA’s 2029 Convention, please contact RVP Kevin Curtiss at [email protected].

Activism & Training Expo

Registration for NATCA’s 2nd Biennial Activism and Training Expo (ATX) is starting soon! The event will be held at Caesars Palace Las Vegas from December 9-12, 2024.

ATX was held for the first time in 2022 and was a huge success! The event features classes highlighting the vast number of topics that NATCA and its members participate in.

Learn about topics like runway safety, technology and infrastructure, NextGen, Legislative issues, Communications, and more! Members can attend for 1 day or all 4 days and are able to build their personal schedule to attend classes that are interesting to them.

ATX is a great way to find out more information about NATCA and a catalyst to getting involved!

Click here to learn more and sign up when registration opens!

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