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From the Desk of President Rich Santa: The Week Ahead

Brothers and Sisters,

The National Executive Board had a very productive meeting last week. We worked on team building, new expectations, and held numerous briefings. The new Regional Vice Presidents (RVPs) have embraced the challenge, and the returning RVPs have been supportive and served as a valuable resource for our newest members.

The week ahead will see several important projects moving forward.

The new Pre-Arbitration Review (PAR) academy training is in its final stages of development. The PAR workgroup has been working on this much needed module and is nearing completion.

The National Validation Team (NVT) meets this week for their panel. As always, this highly functioning team will ensure accuracy with our pay compliance, and we will get a report shortly after the conclusion of the meetings.

I have a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer this week to highlight our continuing needs and to support the president’s policy agenda.

To learn more about NATCA’s Election 2024 efforts, follow this link.

On Wednesday, the Information Technology Committee (ITC) will present a webinar to train members on the BIDATC program. The ITC will also answer any questions on the BIDATC program at that time.

Finally, we will have our first Ask the President forum tomorrow at 3 p.m. ET. This forum is an opportunity for NATCA members to have a direct conversation with me and a few of our RVPs. Join the forum by clicking on this link.

In closing, a big “thank you” to the Communicating for Safety (CFS) planning committee. Next week is out 25th CFS and its bigger and better every year!  

In Solidarity,

Rich Santa, NATCA President

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