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Read 2024-2025 Scholarship Winner Kyle Buchan’s Essay

Every year, NATCA offers a scholarship program for spouses, children, stepchildren, and legally adopted children of active, retired, and deceased members in good standing for at least two consecutive years. This scholarship is for full-time attendance at accredited colleges and universities within the United States and its territories for an undergraduate degree program.

This year’s prompt asked candidates to examine why labor unions are experiencing a resurgence and what implications this has for the future.

Kyle Buchan, child of retired member Deborah Buchan (Grand Rapids ATCT, GRR) is among this year’s 20 scholarship winners. Read the essay that Kyle submitted here.

The rise of artificial intelligence, or AI, has revolutionized industries and work itself. As a student about to enter this evolving workplace, I see AI significantly impacting careers, especially in fields like healthcare and finance. Unions are gearing up to address the consequences of increased AI use, emphasizing the need for job protections.

In healthcare, AI is transforming patient care, diagnosis, and treatment through advanced algorithms analyzing vast medical data. While these advancements promise better healthcare outcomes, they also raise concerns about displacing traditional healthcare jobs. For example, AI diagnostic tools could streamline processes handled by radiologists or pathologists.

However, I believe AI will complement human expertise, leading to shifts in job roles toward data interpretation and patient interaction. Unions must ensure workers have the skills to adapt and negotiate for fair compensation and job security.

Similarly, in finance, AI algorithms are revolutionizing investment strategies and customer service. Automated trading systems execute transactions at unmatched speeds, while machine learning algorithms inform investment decisions. Although AI enhances efficiency and profitability, it also poses job displacement risks, especially in roles like financial analysis and customer support. Unions are crucial in advocating for policies promoting retraining and upskilling initiatives to keep workers relevant. Additionally, unions can negotiate safeguards against algorithmic bias and ensure ethical AI deployment.

To address these challenges, unions should adopt proactive strategies. They must prioritize investing in education and training programs to equip workers with AI-relevant skills. This includes supporting lifelong learning initiatives and providing resources for reskilling and upskilling. Furthermore, unions should advocate for policies safeguarding workers’ rights, such as fair wages, benefits, and job security amidst automation. Negotiating measures like job rotation or reduced working hours can mitigate the impact of AI-induced job displacement.

Moreover, unions should engage with policymakers, employers, and stakeholders to shape regulations governing AI deployment. This involves advocating for measures preventing algorithmic discrimination, ensuring data privacy, and promoting transparency in AI decision making processes.

In conclusion, the AI evolution presents both opportunities and challenges for the workforce. Unions play a vital role in advocating for job protections and facilitating a fair transition to an AI-enabled economy. By investing in education, advocating for workers’ rights, and shaping AI deployment policies, unions can ensure equitable distribution of AI benefits and empower workers to thrive in the future job market.

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