Deadline to Request an Excused Absence for CFS is July 25
This year’s Communicating for Safety Conference takes place Sept. 16-18 at the Horseshoe Las Vegas. All NATCA members attending CFS that would like to be considered for excused absence must place their name on the excused absence request form on or before July 25, 2024.
- There are no consequences for requesting an excused absence only to find out later you can’t attend.
- Placing your name on the Excused Absence Request Form is NOT an automatic approval and release from your facility to attend. This is determined locally based on staffing and other circumstances.
Complete the excused absence form here.
Local Excused Absence Request Form
NATCA members should also submit a local request form to their facility. Members can download this local request form here.
For more information about CFS, including registration and hotel details, visit our event page.