NATCA Honors 2024 Regional Legislative Award Winners at NiW
Congratulations to NATCA’s 2024 Regional Legislative Award winners! Each year, the spotlight shines at #NATCAinWashington where the National Legislative Committee (NLC) celebrates standout activists from each region.
Chosen by their Regional Vice Presidents, these champions embody the spirit of union advocacy, dedicating immeasurable hours and boundless energy to forge key congressional relationships, empower and educate fellow members, and advance NATCA’s legislative priorities. These NATCAvists’ extraordinary contributions have made a difference for our Union and the National Airspace System at large. Join us in applauding their relentless dedication and outstanding achievements.
This year’s winners:
Alaskan Region
Jonathan Eisenmayer (Fairbanks ATCT/TRACON, FAI)
Central Region
Melissa Tinzmann (St. Louis ATCT, STL)
Eastern Region
Jeff Sieczkarski (Rochester ATCT, ROC)
Great Lakes Region
Rachel Gilmore (Indianapolis Center, ZID)
New England Region
Tim Roig (Bradley TRACON, Y90)
Northwest Mountain Region
Anita Johnson (Eugene Airport, EUG)
Southern Region
Dennis Hilton (Greenville-Spartanburg ATCT, GSP)
Southwest Region
Melissa Potter (Dallas/Fort Worth TRACON, D10)
Western Pacific Region
Matt Schorman (Phoenix TRACON, P50)
Peter Kasabian (Van Nuys ATCT, VNY)
Region X
Dominique Piper (Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) Local, EW1)