First-Time Attendees Shine at NATCA in Washington, Ready to Make Legislative Impact
This morning was a pivotal moment for the 130 first-time attendees at #NATCAinWashington. As they prepared to travel to Capitol Hill, they gathered to immerse themselves in the essence of advocacy that defines NATCA. Our Union’s newest member activists honed their skills in delivering NATCA’s vital 2024 messaging, understanding the critical role they play in shaping legislative decisions that impact our profession.
Facilitating this transformative experience were seasoned veterans of legislative activism, including NATCA Director of Government Affairs Josh Nassar and NLC Chair David Skarphol. With their wealth of experience, they led engaging mock meetings, offering insights and constructive feedback that will empower our activists to make the most of their time with Congress this week.
As these new advocates join forces with seasoned leaders, they become part of a legacy of change-makers. Their presence at this event will be a catalyst for progress, a commitment to excellence, and a testament to the power of unity within NATCA.