U.S. Rep. Celeste Maloy Visits Salt Lake City TRACON and Tower
Salt Lake City TRACON (S56) and Salt Lake City ATCT (SLC) recently hosted U.S. Representative Celeste Maloy, who represents Utah’s second congressional district, and her Chief of Staff Bryan Wheat, for a tour of the facilities. The duo came ready with questions, insights, and an enthusiastic interest in air traffic control.
Rep. Maloy shared her experiences flying into Salt Lake City International Airport and the small regional airport that services her hometown. The controllers were able to communicate the differences between busy tower-controlled airports, uncontrolled facilities, and the difference a TRACON and Tower can make to the efficiency of the area.
NATCA members emphasized the importance of maximum hiring as a provision in FAA Reauthorization as well as the need to upgrade aging equipment. They also discussed the negative impact of lapses in funding, shutdowns, and how even when a continuing resolution passes at the last minute, it has already done a lot of damage.
Before departing, Rep. Maloy expressed interest in touring Salt Lake City Center soon.
Pictured, left to right: Bryan Wheat (Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Maloy), Chris Botts (S56 Legislative Rep), Congresswoman Celeste Maloy, Rich Watson (ZLC NATCA VP), Brandon Johnson (SLC Tower), and Tyler Ellis (NLC Utah State Coordinator)