Nominate Your Peers for the Region X Commitment to Safety Award
The call for nominations for the 2024 Region X Commitment to Safety award is out! The Region X Commitment to Safety Award is given annually to a Region X member or team who has shown a profound dedication to ensuring the safety of the National Airspace System (NAS), and is the companion award to the Archie League Award for controllers. The peer-nominated award is to recognize members for their dedication to safety, and any Region X member in good standing can be nominated for work done since May 1, 2023 in their role as an aviation safety professional.
If you know a Region X member or Region X team deserving recognition for their work to enhance safety, please take the time to submit a nomination for them.
The deadline is April 30. This award will be given out at our 2024 Communicating for Safety. Nomination information and forms can be found at the CFS website.