A80-MIA-ZOA Priority Release MOU
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached please find a national Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the FAA and NATCA that establishes a priority release for bargaining unit employees covered by the Slate book and selected to transfer to A80, MIA, and ZOA. This new MOU does not change the existing priority release MOUs for C90, N90, and PHL.
Employees selected to transfer to A80, MIA, or ZOA in the 6 (six) months preceding the effective date of the MOU shall have their release dates reviewed and adjusted if they are set to occur more than three months from the date of the MOU, or six months at the request of the employee.
If the local parties at A80, MIA, or ZOA have concerns with delivering appropriate training, they may collaboratively request a delay in receiving transfers that will be considered by the Parties at the national level and may result in a suspension of the provisions of the priority release for the requesting facility.
The facility specific priority release provision for A80, MIA, or ZOA shall terminate when the monthly Priority Placement Tool presents a facility specific “Projected % to Target (Calculation)” that is equal to, or greater than, the national average.
Absent an approved hardship, employees who transfer under the priority release provision of the MOU and do not achieve full certification, will be transferred back to the previous facility.
In Solidarity,
National Executive Board