IT Committee Meets at National Office
NATCA’s IT Committee members met at our National Office on Oct. 3-4. The group discussed the current process for receiving and responding to requests for support, including reviewing some tools that would allow NATCA to potentially use artificial intelligence to automate some of this process to provide quicker responses to member requests. In addition, the committee discussed the administration of NATCA email accounts and Office 365/Teams Licenses, the continued effort to complete our Union’s new database MyNATCA, planning around improving NATCA’s website, and possible meeting dates in 2024.
ITC members who participated in the meeting included: ITC Chair Jason Doss (Jacksonville Center, ZJX), Joe Allen (Boston Center, ZBW), Matt Fritz (Andrews ATCT, ADW), Kristena Jones (Washington Center, ZDC), Jason Michaud (Boston TRACON, A90), Pam Rusk (Engineer/Central Region, ECE), John Tornatore-Pili (San Francisco ATCT, SFO), and Ryan Durbin (Anchorage Center, ZAN). ITC Committee RVP Liaisons Nick Daniels (Fort Worth Center, ZFW) and Aaron Merrick (Kansas City Center, ZKC) joined the meeting. Also, the following NATCA staff participated: Public Affairs Director Thom Metzger, Senior Social Media Representative Meagan Roper, Website Administrator Julian Weaver, and Information Technology Manager Phil Yanchulis.
Learn more about the ITC here.
PHOTO (left to right): Metzger, Yanchulis, Merrick, Fritz, Doss, Weaver, Tornatore-Pili, Jones, Daniels, and Rusk.