Congratulations to New Unum Enrollees
On June 20, NATCA began an enrollment open season for the popular Unum group long-term disability (LTD) program. The Unum LTD program protects NATCA members and their families with peace of mind in the event they lose their medical or become disabled. Covered members who have submitted claims through the program often describe the coverage they received as one of the greatest benefits of being a member of our Union. The open enrollment period ended Oct. 2.
In 2023, our Union offered incentives for new enrollees. Each new enrollee was entered into a weekly drawing for a $50 gift card throughout the open enrollment period. Congratulations to all new enrollees on protecting your income and your families! And congratulations to those who won the weekly drawings:
Week 1: Cole Drinkall (Atlanta Center, ZTL)
Week 2: Derek Harris (Albuquerque Center, ZAB)
Week 3: Ryan Schakel (Chino ATCT, CNO)
Week 4: Kenneth Hand (Houston Center, ZHU)
Week 5: Brandon Smith (Muskegon ATCT, MKG)
Week 6: Sandra Follmer (Washington Center, ZDC)
Week 7: Michael Sutherland (Denver TRACON, D01)
Week 8: Caleb Brickley (Minneapolis Center, ZMP)
Week 9: Jessica Obrien (Chicago O’Hare ATCT, ORD)
Week 10: Joshua Wilson (Potomac TRACON, PCT)
Week 11: Thomas Crittenden (Huntington ATCT, HTS)
Week 12: Karolina Sutcliffe (ORD)
Week 13: Yazn Ghaliah (Teterboro ATCT, TEB)