Training Update: Terminal Stage Redesign
Because the academic courses for air traffic control terminal training require revision to be current with changes in the National Airspace System and to the equipment, NATCA and the FAA formed a national Terminal Stage Redesign Team to collaborate on a more useful and updated version of Terminal Stage Training (3-5).
NATCA’s Terminal Stage 3-5 Lead Ben Latimer (Charlotte ATCT, CLT) recently provided an update on the redesign’s progress. The team began reviewing and updating course design guides, instructor manuals, slideshows, and all computer-based instruction. All of the changes provide a better platform for all learners to be able to grasp air traffic control concepts.
“Attempts to update this material have been made a few before but succumbed to budgetary and other issues,” Latimer said. “The current team made it a priority to see this task through to completion, and just like our Union brothers and sisters always do, they have exceeded everyone’s expectations.”
The group is wrapping up the final stage task, Stage 5. The redesign will enable the content to be updated more easily in the future and enable facilities more flexibility in accessing the content on demand.
Other members of the Terminal Stage 3-5 team are Maurice Franklin (Potomac TRACON, PCT), Nichole Surunis (Atlanta TRACON, A80), Fred Naujoks (Oakland Center, ZOA), Jonathan Eagle (Van Nuys ATCT, VNY), Daniel Foster (Dallas-Fort Worth TRACON, D10), Candice Gertonson (Honolulu Control Facility, HCF), and Ben Kaufman (Harrisburg International ATCT, MDT).
“This monumental task represents the hard work and dedication of many NATCA members, and the product would not be as good as it is without each and every one of them,” Latimer said. “The team worked efficiently with the FAA and contractors to deliver products and materials at or ahead of projected timelines.
BUEs should see these changes incorporated into the training library at local facilities in the coming months.