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Executive Vice President LeBovidge Speaks on Panel at Amsterdam Drone Week

On Wednesday, Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge spoke at Amsterdam Drone Week (ADW) on a panel titled “Cities and Regions: Integrating Air Mobility in an Urban Environment From Californian Perspective.” The ADW conference brought together nearly 3,500 representatives of the global urban air mobility (UAM) ecosystem from more than 75 countries to discuss how innovative air mobility will connect more remote communities with the economic opportunities within cities and enhance transport options and services such as inspection, emergency, and security by drones, saving time and investment in infrastructure and people.

Murzilli Consulting founder & CEO Lorenzo Murzilli moderated the panel that also included California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Chief Aviation Planning Officer Matthew Friedman; Ramses Madou the Planning, Policy, and Sustainability Division Manager for the Department of Transportation for the city of San Jose, Calif.; NASA Aerospace Research Engineer Shivanjli Sharma; ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Panel (RPASP) Chair Ron Van de Leijgraaf; and Community Air Mobility Initiative Executive Director Yolanka Wulff. NATCA Unmanned Aircraft System Representative Jimmy Smith also attended the conference.

Panel (left to right): Yolanka Wulff (Community Air Mobility Initiative (CAMI)), Shivanji Sharma (NASA), Ron van de Leijgraaf (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat), Andrew LeBovidge (National Air Traffic Controllers Association), Matthew Friedman (Caltrans), Ramses Madou (San Jose DOT & Open), Lorenzo Murzilli (Murzilli Consulting)
Group photo (left to right): NATCA Unmanned Aircraft System Representative Jimmy Smith, Eugenio Diotalevi (IFATCA Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Representative), and NATCA Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge.
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