Hands-On Professional Standards Training Helps Members “Create Ideal Workplace”
NATCA’s Professional Standards (PS) Committee hosted a three-day member training course for 16 members from across the nation in San Diego at Southern California TRACON (SCT), Feb 7-9.
“Having attended multiple training courses through the military and the FAA, I can say with confidence: this course is the best I have ever experienced,” Dean Wandersee (Rochester ATCT, ROC) and PS member said. “The course material is so well put together and the hands-on portion really challenges you. I am extremely excited to get back to my peers and be able to use this industry-changing program to help create the ideal workplace for us.”
Instructors and National PS Committee Members Lydia Baune (Spokane ATCT, GEG), Patrick Carter (Dallas/Fort Worth TRACON, D10), and Chris Keyes (Washington Center, ZDC) welcomed the new PS members to the team and thanked them for volunteering to serve NATCA in this important role.
“PS member training was one of the most impactful NATCA courses I have taken in my career,” Kym Towns (Houston TRACON, I90) said. “It provided valuable tools, techniques, and information that I can utilize not only in my role but also in my everyday life.” Learn more about PS.