2023 NATCA Scholarship Application Open Until March 1
The NATCA scholarship fund is established for the spouses, children, stepchildren, and legally adopted children of active, retired, and deceased NATCA members with continuous membership in good standing of at least two years. These scholarships are for full-time attendance at accredited colleges and universities within the United States and its territories for an undergraduate degree program. The deadline to apply is March 1. The application for the scholarship can be found here.
The application process includes an essay submission. This year’s prompt asks candidates to examine why labor unions are experiencing a resurgence and what implications this has for the future:
Recent polling has shown that approval ratings of labor unions is at its highest point in the United States since 1965. With increasing organizing efforts at both large companies such as Starbucks, Amazon, and Walmart and in less traditional areas such as Congressional staff. Please explain why labor unions are experiencing a resurgence and what that means for the future of our country.