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January 2023 New England Bi-Monthly Regional Update #2

From Bryan Krampovitis, NATCA New England ARVP

Brothers and Sisters,

Our Union’s bi-annual convention is just five months away. The deadline to submit amendments for consideration to our national constitution is February 20th, 2023.

This union is run by its membership. Our bi-annual convention is where NATCA’s members set the path for our future. I cannot stress enough the importance of using the opportunity of convention to set the direction of YOUR union.

At previous conventions, I have personally submitted an amendment to our national constitution. I’ve stood on the floor of our convention to present that amendment and then watched as my submitted amendment failed. While my amendment failed, it shed light on the problems with a related amendment. After meeting with fellow union members and discussing the related amendment, I had the opportunity to be a part of framing a new amendment that addressed the concerns of everyone, was supported by the majority of our convention, ended up passing on our convention floor, and was adopted to our national constitution.

Convention is without a doubt my favorite NATCA event. I love the fact that everyone in the room is so passionate about setting the future course of our union and ready to debate and fight for our organization because they want what is best for this Union’s future.

Are you unable to attend convention but want to submit an amendment? That’s ok! You can still submit an amendment!

So how do you submit an amendment? First, write up the change you think should be considered, find yourself a co-sponsor (this is any member in your facility or another facility that agrees with your amendment), and email it to the Executive Vice President of our union Andrew LeBovidge at alebovidge@natca.org. If you need help formatting your amendment please reach out to our region’s Constitution Committee Representative Elisa Muise at elisa.muise@natca.net .

Next, find someone that is attending who can speak on your amendment. Even if that member doesn’t personally support your amendment, they can speak to your amendment on the floor of our convention.

I personally volunteer to present any New England Region member’s amendment on their behalf, on the floor of the convention in June, if it means you will submit your amendment for consideration. After submitting your amendment, send me an email at bryan.krampovitis@natca.net with what you want me to say when presenting your amendment and I will make sure the convention body hears your amendment and position.


From Curt Fischer, Collaboration Facilitator, Eastern Service Area North, A90

2023 kicked off with an amazing Collaboration Skills Training (CST) class in Windsor Locks CT. In attendance were BDL, Y90, A90, and 2 brand new Reps from PVD and MHT with their ATM counterparts. CST is two-day required training for all ATM and FacReps. They attend together with the goal of having collaboration, as defined in Article 114 of the Slate book, become the preferred method of conducting business in facilities.

Day one level sets workplace cultural expectations with regard to employee involvement in decision-making, the importance of collaboration is discussed along with the definition and history of collaboration. Communication between NATCA and the Agency counterparts is stressed and the 6 steps of Interest-based communication (or IBC process) are covered in depth and practiced. We continue with a lesson on having difficult conversations and how to choose the best course of action when responding to a triggering event.

On day two, we dive into each person’s unique style of work and what is needed from each individual to be successful. Understanding and scoping collaborative workgroups (CWGs) completes the course. When FacReps and ATMs make use of these skills, our facilities benefit, and work life is enhanced. We look forward to hearing about and sharing the future success that these leaders in our New England facilities.

2022 NNE Award Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 NNE Jay Bowers Activism Award and the 2022 NNE Curt Fischer Leadership Award! Check out the video honoring these dedicated New England members!

COVID-19 OWCP Changes

From Steven Spiller, NATCA New England OWCP Rep, BOS

Our NEB put out a great summary of changes likely to be the new normal moving forward. If you missed the January 9, 2023 “NATCA News Alert: FECA COVID-19 Coverage Process to Change as of Jan. 28, 2023,” I urge you to give it a read. You can read the article here.

Rather than repeat most of the highlights there, I’ll just say that the ARPA was written with a 3-year timeline before we knew how long this would last. Now, as the original timeline is reaching its expiration, it will literally take an act of Congress to extend the assumptions that the ARPA has allowed to process OWCP claims for COVID-19. It very well may get extended as we are still seeing a lot of cases nationally and regionally, but we have to be prepared if no such extension is passed. And it’s not an FAA decision. It will affect all front-line and public-facing workers across the Federal Government.

That being said, there are still instances where I would recommend you file a CA-1 for COVID-19 positive test results after January 28. It’s a longer explanation than I can get into here, but I will have more information available to those affected at the end of the month if no extension is passed. 

NATCA Benefit Spotlight

New Year, New Benefit brought to you by your NATCA Benefits Committee! NATCA Benefits introduces exclusive discounts for the SNOO sleeper by Happiest Baby. One of the hardest parts of being a parent to a newborn is the drastic lifestyle change and lack of sleep associated with it. NATCA Benefits not only wants to help our members with savings, but would love to help all our members stay fresh and well-rested. The SNOO sleeper provides on average 1-2 more hours of sleep for baby and parents, adds safety for worry-free sleep, calms fussing within 1-2 minutes, and includes a mobile app to monitor. The SNOO sleeper naturally sleep-trains your newborn while also providing your own personal helper to transition your baby to a crib at 6 months. NATCA Benefits has arranged a discounted rate, only for members and their families. Instead of buying directly from the SNOO website, visit www.natcabenefits.com and find instructions under the Education/Kids tab for your NATCA discount. 

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