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At ATX NATCA Stands in Solidarity with UMWA on their Strike Against Warrior Met

On Tuesday, United Mine Workers of America members Mike Wright and Dennis Battles took the NATCA Activism and Training Expo (ATX) general session stage to speak about the ongoing strike against Warrior Met Coal. 

Warrior Met operates two mines, a preparation plant, and a central shop in Alabama, about 15 miles east of Tuscaloosa. In April 2021, approximately 900 Warrior Met employees  decided to strike after the company refused to restore the pay and benefits that were cut in 2016 to save money and prevent the mines from shutting down. It’s been 20 months, and about 500 strikers remain on the picket line. 

United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) represents coal miners, manufacturing workers, clean coal technicians, health care workers, corrections officers, and public employees throughout the United States and Canada. UMWA was established in 1890 and has been fighting for the rights of those in the mining industry for more than 130 years. UMWA also helped establish both the United Auto Workers (UAW) and The United Steelworkers (USW).

NATCA had previously contributed to the UMWA Strike Fund to support the District 20 miners striking Warrior Met Coal. After the panel discussion, the National Executive Board committed to make a second contribution on behalf of NATCA.  If you would like to personally contribute to the UMWA Strike Fund please click this link here.

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