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NATCA News Alert: Congress Passes Continuing Resolution to Avoid Government Shutdown

Congress passed a continuing resolution (CR) – a short-term bill funding the government at the current spending levels through Dec. 16. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the CR earlier today by a vote of 230-201. The U.S. Senate voted 72-25 to pass the CR on Thursday. The measure now heads to President Biden’s desk. He is expected to sign it into law.

We hope that after the midterm elections there will be enough political incentives on both sides of the aisle for a bipartisan agreement to pass an omnibus funding bill to provide resources for the FAA and other agencies for the remainder of the fiscal year. However, it’s possible another CR will be necessary absent bipartisan agreement on the path forward.

NATCA will continue to encourage Congress to reach an agreement to fully fund the FAA for the remainder of the fiscal year. We will provide additional updates on the appropriations as the process moves forward.

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