Every Day is a Training Day: Overview
After a two-year hiatus because of the pandemic, NATCA is pleased to host once again the Communicating For Safety Conference (CFS). To provide continuity and regain momentum from our last event, conference organizers decided to return to the same conference theme that we last used. During CFS 2022, we will highlight the importance of confronting complacency, not allowing yourself to get comfortable with the status quo, and emphasizing the importance of ongoing training and learning. It is called “Every Day is a Training Day,” and reflects our continued commitment to change the way the workforce perceives training.
“Every Day is a Training Day” is built upon the goals of working to challenge the NATCA membership to pursue professional development throughout their aviation careers and embracing a willingness to learn daily. Attendees to CFS will see this emphasis here in Las Vegas during the conference.
NATCA President Rich Santa: “The air traffic controllers and the other aviation safety professionals that NATCA represents have an unmatched reputation throughout the aviation community for our commitment to safety. To maintain this reputation, the members of our Union must avoid complacency and commit to maintaining unsurpassed technical excellence in our field. This challenge will continue to become more important in coming years. The United States has the most complex National Airspace System (NAS) in the world. And the NAS will become even more complex with growing commercial and cargo traffic, the addition of more space launches, the quickly evolving landscape around unmanned vehicles, and the resulting addition of new equipment and procedures to complete our vital mission.”
NATCA Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge: “The purpose behind this effort is to help our members understand that training is something that continues throughout our entire career. Whether it is new procedures, new equipment, or new rules, training is a part of a continuous self-improvement process, from the time we start as a developmental, to the time we retire. We should always be looking for ways to improve our performance as a workforce to make sure we are always operating at peak levels whenever we plug in.”
NATCA National Safety Committee Chair Chrissy Padgett: “Training can still be viewed as punitive, and we are continuing to work diligently to overcome that perception. One way we do that is by relying on data. We do that not to assign fault, but to review trends and develop solutions that make sense. Many professionals, including pilots, athletes, and those in the medical field, continuously train throughout their careers to be the best at their profession. Why shouldn’t we as aviation safety professionals want to do the same? Training can take many forms, including professional development events like Communicating For Safety.”