Sen. Shaheen’s Visit to ZBW
On Aug. 11, the NATCA New England Legislative team was honored to meet with Sen. Jean Shaheen from New Hampshire. Sen. Shaheen reached out to the team, requesting a meeting with NATCA at ZBW amid concerns of low staffing and the impact it’s having on the National Airspace System. New England RVP Mick Devine, ZBW FacRep Kevin Coeyman, New England Alternate Legislative Chair Andre Jean, and New England Communications Lead Shannon Lyman attended the meeting with the senator and her staff.
The meeting was very informative and productive, with discussions on ATC staffing issues and how to mitigate them, FAA Reauthorization, and the recently passed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. During the meeting, Sen. Shaheen offered her complete support in the effort to properly staff the NAS.
PHOTO: (left to right) RVP Mick Devine, Sen. Jean Shaheen, FacRep Kevin Coeyman, and Alt. Leg. Chair Andre Jean.