NATCA Boots on the Ground Member Margaret Summers highlighted by AFL-CIO
NATCA Boots On The Ground (BOTG) member Margaret Summers (Ret., Miami Center, ZMA) was recently highlighted by the North Carolina State American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (NC State AFL-CIO) for her work helping to build power for unions of working people in North Carolina.
“Our Union has a motto for the retirees: ‘Union passion never retires,’” Summers said. “I want people to know that you never stop being a part of the Union! It’s important to me that I stay connected to my Union because I’m passionate about what I do. My Union gave me the opportunity to live a good life, and I want to use my passion to return the favor in retirement.”
Read the full feature at the link below. Hatch Act Warning: Do NOT click the link while on duty or on federal property. https://aflcionc.org/member-spotlight-margaret-summers-natca/