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From the Desk of NATCA President Rich Santa

Brothers and Sisters:

We are proud to announce that NATCA’s first Activism and Training Expo (ATX) will be held from Dec. 12-16. This event will be an opportunity for our Union to educate, inspire, and motivate both experienced leaders and new members.

It will be a five-day event at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas that will showcase all of NATCA’s current training opportunities along with some briefings and education by many of our committee and Article 114 reps regarding their projects. We envision this becoming a biennial event that motivated NATCA members can attend to increase their knowledge on a variety of work and safety related topics and expand our Union’s influence.

Whether you can attend for the entire five days or only one, the Expo will provide value to any member.

Registration information will be forthcoming but save the dates today.

In Solidarity,

Rich Santa

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