“Strong, growing, and Knowledgeable”: Region X Leaders Gather in Washington
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Region X (NRX) lead representatives from across the country and from all NRX bargaining units gathered in Washington June 21-23 to discuss issues that face NRX’s membership and NATCA as a whole. The agenda included presentations by NRX representatives, committee leads, national staff, and NATCA President Rich Santa and Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge. Topics included NRX-specific issues, collaboration, legislative updates, disaster relief committee, OSHA, electronic payments, organizing, benefits, professional standards, and voluntary reporting programs within Region X.
“The meeting was informational, educational, energizing, and an opportunity to once again come together in person,” NRX Regional Vice President Brad Davidson said. “Region X is strong, growing, and full of knowledgeable and dedicated representatives and membership. We look forward to the opportunities and challenges we will all face together within Region X and with the rest of our NATCA brothers and sisters.”