NATCA Represented at AFL-CIO’s 2022 Convention
In June, union members and allies gathered in Philadelphia, Pa. for the 29th Constitutional Convention of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). NATCA is one of the 57 unions that make up the AFL-CIO. Delegates from these unions come together every four years to select the Federation’s leadership and make decisions about AFL-CIO priorities.
Our Union’s delegates included President Rich Santa, Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge, Western Pacific Regional Vice President Joel Ortiz, National Safety Committee Chair Chrissy Padgett (Washington Center, ZDC), National Training Representative Jamaal Haltom (Las Vegas ATCT, LAS), former NATCA President Paul Rinaldi, NATCA’s Special Counsel to the President Eugene Freedman, and NATCA Labor Relations Director Nicole Vitale. NATCA’s delegates voted on resolutions and other matters pending before the body.
At the beginning of the Convention, there is a roll call for all 57 Federation unions. Santa made the response to the roll call for NATCA and said, “NATCA’s air traffic controllers and aviation safety professionals are here – We Guide You Home.”