OSHA Committee Update: Education, Training are Recent Focuses
Education was the leading recent issue for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Committee. Chair Karena Marinas (Los Angeles Center, ZLA) reports the committee facilitated membership training earlier this month to highlight its various contract articles that apply to occupational safety and health. The training was delivered by Marinas, Great Lakes Regional OSHA Representative Xavier Rivera (Indianapolis Center, ZID), and NATCA’s Certified Industrial Hygienist Geoff Bacci.
Committee members also received training from Bacci on the management of epidemic diseases. “This is the same training that the National Executive Board received last month and offers our regional OSHA representatives the tools needed to face future health and safety issues pertaining to epidemic disease,” Marinas said.
Additionally, the Office of Workers Compensation (OWCP) Committee joined the OSHA Committee in facilitating its first in-person NATCA Academy training since 2019. “In 2020, we worked together to revamp and update the training content,” Marinas said. “This class presented our first opportunity to offer the new material since it had been approved by the National Training Committee. The class was an overwhelming success.”
Read Marinas’s full report here.