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NCEPT Update: May 17, 2022 Panel Timeline Set

The National Centralized Employee Requested Reassignment (ERR) Process Team has released the timeline leading up to the next panel on May 17:

  • April 18 | ERR submission deadline 
  • April 22 | Facility Update to SWB 
  • April 26 | HR Staffing Workbook entries completed 
  • April 27 | Facility Priority Placement Tool  
  • April 28 | NCEPT data executed  
  • May 2 | HR resume upload begins 
  • May 6 | HR resume upload complete 
  • May 9 | Manager Ranking List published (Opened) 
  • May 13 | Manager Rankings completed (Closed) 
  • May 16 | AJG-P21 prepares data for NCEPT board 
  • May 17 | NCEPT convenes/adjourns 

Note that the temp rules are still being worked on. For more information, please visit https://www.natca.org/ncept/. 

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