Members Attend In-Person Legislative Training Course
After a two-year hiatus, the Advanced Legislative Activism Training (ALAT) course returned in-person last week at the National Office in Washington, D.C., with 12 participants.
For two and a half days, they heard from subject matter experts from NATCA’s in-house legal counsel and Government Affairs Department employees as well as the Office of Special Counsel. The ALAT class took an in-depth look at NATCA’s legislative past and how it has crafted current policies and procedures with specific case studies.
The attendees were taught the skills to build relationships with members of Congress in order to educate and advocate for NATCA’s issues.
Omaha TRACON (R90) FacRep Dan Witt said of the class, “we learned information that there is just no other way to get. It helped me see the importance of our legislative efforts in a way that I had never understood before.”