First in a Series: National Constitution Committee Presents Updates to the NATCA Constitution
The NATCA Constitution was created to govern members in efforts to advance the status, professionalism, and working conditions of all aviation safety professionals through collective bargaining, political action, and other lawful concerted activity. During the 18th Biennial Convention in Houston last December, members discussed and approved changes to the NATCA Constitution, Standing Rules, and Policy & Position Statements. The National Constitution Committee (NCC) is providing the membership with some of the most notable updates:
- Article XIV, Section 6 c. – Many Local Constitutions rely on Article XIV to define their amendment process. This amendment clarifies the process required to adopt proposed amendments to a local constitution when it isn’t defined at the local level.
a. All proposed amendments to a local constitution shall be submitted to the local executive board at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting during which they will be discussed and voted upon; and
b. All proposed amendments shall be posted at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting during which they will be discussed and voted upon; and
c. Adoption of proposed amendments to the Local Constitution shall require at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the members present at the meeting or as defined by the Local Constitution.
- SRF-14 – Amended to change the amount of education reimbursement from $2,500 to $5,000.
An education reimbursement fund, not to exceed $50,000 per year, is established for the purpose of assisting active members in good standing to obtain a Bachelor of Labor Studies degree or any other educational course or certificate as deemed appropriate and approved by the National Executive Board from any NATCA-approved institution or program. Upon completion of the course or program, members may apply for a portion of the fund, not to exceed $5,000 per calendar year. This program shall be implemented under rules and regulations as established by the National Executive Board and may be modified or canceled at any time without prior notice. Members who terminate active membership in good standing within two years after receiving reimbursement from the Educational Reimbursement Fund must repay said reimbursement to the Union.
The NATCA Constitution is being mailed to all members. If you wish to view the online version of the document, please click here. For questions or more information, email the Constitution Committee, [email protected].