National Safety Committee Update
The National Safety Committee (NSC) continues to meet monthly. Regional safety and Service Area safety reps participate on the committee calls every other month, allowing for an open forum to discuss regional and service area safety issues and trends.
On Jan. 27, NSC member and Partnership for Safety (PFS) Representative Michelle Trudeau helped organize and present the first PFS Safety Summit. The four-hour virtual summit highlighted local safety councils (LSCs) that are doing great things and included informative presentations from runway safety, Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP), human performance, Aviation Risk Identification and Assessment (ARIA), “Top 5” safety issues, and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC). Trudeau reports that, although the summit was virtual, there was great participation from attendees., and the NSC looks forward to many more summits. In addition, the NSC recognizes and thanks NSC members Bridget Singratanakul, Cher Oxenburg, Nathan Vinson, and Aaron Katz, who presented during the summit.