NCEPT Update: Timeline for Next Panel Released
The next meeting of the National Centralized ERR (employee requested reassignment) Process Team (NCEPT) Panel is Feb. 16. Below is the timeline for the next panel:
Jan. 20 | ERR Submission Deadline
Jan. 21 | Facility Update to Staffing Workbook
Jan. 25 | HR Staffing Workbook Entries Completed
Jan. 26 | Facility Priority Placement Tool
Jan. 27 | NCEPT Data Executed
Jan. 31 | HR Resume Upload Begins
Feb. 4 | HR Resume Upload Complete
Feb. 7 | Manager Ranking List Published (Opened)
Feb. 11 | Manager Rankings List Completed (Closed)
Feb. 14 | AJG-P21 Prepares Data For NCEPT Board
Feb. 16 | NCEPT Convenes/Adjourns
For more details and documents needed, please click here.