Unum Long-Term Disability Insurance Program ‘Has Been a Lifesaver,’ RDU Member Says
Having insurance grants peace of mind when the unexpected happens. The NATCA group long-term disability program from Unum is the insurance that provides protection and peace of mind in the event you lose your medical or are disabled. Raleigh Durham ATCT (RDU) member Richard Chaves tells his story of how Unum helped his family when the unexpected struck:
“After a severe headache that lasted a week, a CT scan and brain MRI in April 2019 found a grade III anaplastic oligodendroglioma (a malignant brain tumor, and along with it, an aggressive form of brain cancer). It was removed in late May 2019. I’m recovering now, but after my diagnosis I wondered and worried often about my future as an air traffic controller and career with the FAA.
“And with the thought of losing my job, I was even more stressed about the financial implications of a two-night stay in the hospital, a major brain surgery, and the required post-operative care, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
“I started buying into NATCA’s Unum long-term disability program back in 2015. Thanks to this program, especially after this test of faith, I knew that I did not have to worry about paying the bills, the mortgage, and the car payment. I knew that my wife and I would be financially safe and secure. I knew that I would not lose my house because of medical bills. This LTD insurance, quite literally, has been a lifesaver.
“To anyone who has a doubt about whether or not they should sign up for this NATCA-Unum long term disability insurance, I tell them my story and what a wonderful ‘security blanket’ this program has been. The price of admission is negligible, and worth every single cent. You never know when you’re going to encounter a major speed bump on the road of life. I did. And I am so grateful that NATCA and Unum have had my back this entire time.”
Visit www.natcadisability.com now for more information and to enroll.