NATCA Virtual Grassroots Activism: Tennessee

Memphis Center (ZME) Legislative Rep Jenna Lisi (pictured top center) recently participated in a virtual meeting with Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen (top left). “I was able to thank him for being one of the first co-sponsors on H.R. 1108 and updated him that we had surpassed our goal of 290 co-sponsors in the House,” Lisi said. “Joined by two other unions, we discussed recent changes at our facility during COVID-19. Being in the Memphis area, it has been important for us to streamline cleaning procedures to minimally impact FedEx cargo operations that carry lifesaving medical supplies. The Congressman has always been a great supporter of NATCA and was pleased to hear the updates.”

Nashville ATCT (BNA) member and Tennessee State Legislative Coordinator Zac Hedrick attended a virtual Zoom meeting with Tennessee Congressman Jim Cooper. “I discussed the Paid Parental Leave Act that passed last year that left off the FAA and air traffic controllers. I discussed how we are confident about what we are hearing from the Committee Chairman that this fix for the six workforces that were scored and left off is going to be included in the House version of the NDAA,” Hedrick said. “Congressman Cooper said he is always glad to support NATCA in any way that he can.”