Unum Delivers on Its Promises to Protect You

The open enrollment period for the NATCA/Unum Long Term Disability Plan will begin on Sept. 1. The NATCA/Unum Plan is only available to NATCA members.
Our Union wants to ensure all our members’ income is protected. Having insurance grants peace of mind when the unexpected happens. The NATCA group long-term disability program from Unum is the insurance that provides protection and peace of mind in the event you lose your medical or are disabled.
About the NATCA/Unum Plan, NATCA’s Benefits Committee Chair John Bratcher stated, “Our nation is going through a horrible time because of COVID-19. The pandemic highlights how vulnerable each of us are, no matter our age or general health. As aviation safety professionals, we must maintain our medical to do our jobs and are subject to many other factors the general public doesn’t have to consider. And while NATCA has worked very hard to deliver job protections, wage increases, workplace improvement, and more, the protection of our income is just another piece of what NATCA provides to the membership.”
Bratcher continued, “You insure everything else that’s important to you. Why leave your career and your financial stability uninsured?”
Visit www.natcadisability.com for more information and to enroll.