NATCA Congratulates Steve Dickson, Presidential Nominee for FAA Administrator
WASHINGTON – National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) President Paul Rinaldi today congratulated Steve Dickson, whom President Trump intends to nominate to be the next administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Rinaldi issued this statement:
“NATCA congratulates Steve on being nominated as FAA administrator, and we strongly support his confirmation by the U.S. Senate. This is a well-deserved appointment for Steve, who has had an accomplished career, including his serving as an F-15 fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force and his 27 years at Delta Air Lines where he has been a respected leader in the aviation community. I have served with Steve on the FAA’s Management Advisory Committee.
“Throughout his career, Steve has been a staunch advocate for aviation safety, and we share that commitment to the safety of our National Airspace System. NATCA and the FAA have a successful working relationship that has enabled notable progress on modernizing the National Airspace System and building a stronger workforce. If he is confirmed, we will look forward to working with Steve to continue this relationship.
“NATCA also thanks Dan Elwell for his leadership of the Agency as acting administrator.”
MORE INFORMATION: Doug Church, Deputy Director of Public Affairs; 301-346-8245, [email protected].
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The National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) is a labor union and aviation safety organization in the United States that represents nearly 20,000 highly skilled air traffic controllers, engineers, and other aviation safety-related professionals. NATCA was certified in 1987 by the Federal Labor Relations Authority to be the exclusive bargaining representative for air traffic controllers employed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Today, NATCA is one of the strongest labor unions in the federal sector and represents a range of aviation safety professionals in 15 FAA bargaining units, 4 Department of Defense air traffic facilities, and 102 federal contract towers. These air traffic controllers and other aviation safety professionals make vital contributions to the U.S. economy and make modern life possible by coordinating the safe, orderly, and expeditious movement of nearly one billion aviation passengers and millions of tons of freight within the National Airspace System each year. NATCA is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and is affiliated with the AFL-CIO.